Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What I have done today....

Laundry....I don't think there is a three person family in the US that has as much laundry as this family...I swear that I have done my 15th load for the week...

I believe this because my husband has a wash cloth and towel fettish...I understand not using the same wash cloth to wash your body with, each and every day, but....does he need THREE wash clothes each and every day???? Or a NEW towel every SINGLE day??? I can use the same towel for a couple of days...then again......I am the one doing the laundry.

I also understand that he and my son need clean CLOTHES each day....Skyler plays in the dirt, wipes his food on his clothes, etc. Joey works in oil and grease, and they both need new pants and shirts....however what I CAN'T understand is....wearing it for two hours then sticking it in the hamper on the weekends or times when they are not at school or work! I guess I should be happy that the clothes even MAKE it to the hamper, because I am aware of countless wives who complain that their loved ones can't seem to locate one, even though they are located in convenient places all around their homes.

Oh well, this is what I did today...that, and the Home Improvement channel...I LOVE home make-over shows and DESPERATELY want to be on one!!!!! I love decorating and can do a decent job if I had the money that I needed...but these people come up with crafty, cool ideas with little, to no money at all, and that is what makes me go....WHOA....COOOL! I wanna DO THAT!!!! I love being creative and being crafty....that is my interest, but I just haven't had the "push" or "encouragement", I guess, to actually DO something with it.......

I recently took a test that said that I was "creative", "unconventional" and would not be happy working under someone else with "direct supervision" because I was too "creative" annnnnnnd (this was a gem) it said that I am supposedly, "unrealistic" lucky husband.....It is telling me that I am someone who wants to do what they want to do, WHEN I want to do it, and am totally unrealistic about what the heck it is I want to do! Lucky us....Good thing HE is the bread winner, eigh????? So much for my accounting career...that SOOOO doesn't follow the path of that, but now I understand why I felt like a caged animal doing that line of work......sure I made GREAT money at it....but I HATED it....I understand and "get" the numbers part, I just hate the "supervision part" and being told what to do, plus, to be honest, the work absolutely BORES me out of my mind. It was kinda like pumping gas for the 100th time in my life......BOOOORRRRRING! I could seriously fall asleep at my desk and it gave me neck cramps!!!!! My neck is still recovering from the stress of my last job.....

Anyhow...I could go on and on with my blog because I can talk till the cows come home....but I will end this one for now...until next time, my mundane tasks meet these pages again.....



Connie said...

I did laundry all day too! We are expecting a lot of company this weekend. There is a Stealth reunion so it should be really fun.

I'll be busy until the 27th. Mark and I are going to Orlando as soon as our company is gone. He will leave to Korea from there for a couple of weeks.

Dave said...

The laundry thing is funny.....
Jennifer was out of town for 6 days and my goal was to get ALL the laundry done while she was gone. Man the crap never stoped comming. I have always been a beliver wash it dry it fold it put it away it drives me crazy to see a laundry room full of cloths. I did pretty well 90?% of it was done by the time she got home. but its not easy.

Dave said...


jennifer told me you had a blog. I like to peek in and see how everyone is. Keep up the postings. people dont coment everyday but they do read...and post pictures. Skyler is soooo big.